Anthropologist Margaret Mead believed that a small group of dedicated individuals could change the world for the better.  We’ll see. 

These next few pages could be the most important and meaningful of all the many pages we have read and hopefully digested to date.

Was Margaret Mead right?

How active you want to become in helping SSE repair her damage will determine whether you now  choose to become an SSE officer or crew member, or remain a mere tag-along passenger aboard awesome Spaceship Earth.

Since humans of all ages are causing the human pressure on SSE’s Systems, your particular age doesn’t really matter if you want to help SSE repair her systems.  We should each do as much as we can—as soon as we can!

Each basic Operating System, outlined in Chapter 2, was slowly, carefully developed since the last Ice Age. The damage we are causing to these systems can be repaired by SSE only after we have stopped our damage and have given the causes of the problems a lot of thought and effort.

IF YOUR CHOICE IS YES…  THE OFFICIAL INSIGNIA OF SPACESHIP EARTH is  a sun disk over an ankh (an ansate cross symbolizing “life”) within the pleasant oblong design of a carthouche.

You might note that both the sun disk-the symbol for the source of ALL of SSE’s energy and for all of life-and the peaceful ankh have come down to us through well over 5,000 years of recorded history.

IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE A SECRET…but if you look closely you may notice a tattoo of the insignia on those SSE officers dedicated to helping to repair SSE’s environment.

The inconspicuous tattoo will be located deep on the inner side of the right or left ring finger between the second knuckle and the fist.  It is not visible when the fingers are closed.

It will be about 1/2“ (12mm) long and 1/4” (6mm) wide.  It is to remind the officer of his/her lifelong commitment to SSE’s passwords and of their own mission statement.  If not on the finger, it will be in some other convenient for-self-to-see spot.  Look carefully!

Learning and understanding the important principle of cause and effect, learning self-discipline and self-control, taking responsibility, having integrity, developing an individualinternal peace, and earning self-respect are very important to each of us if we are to use this basic manual/handbook for the job ahead.

Take the following simple test to see if you qualify to be a self-appointed officer or crew member. Then, make the decision and follow this call to action on behalf of SSE and all living things in, on, and above the Main Deck—including yourself. Reconfirm your new values, lifestyle and habits.


  1. Have a love of nature, wildlife, wilderness areas, and know their importance in our life-giving environment?     Yes_____  Willing to Learn_____
  2. Like tough challenges, and are willing to form new habits, new values and a new, simple life-style?  Yes_____  Willing to Learn_____
  3. Really know how be caring, to think, be responsible and observant?   Yes_____  Willing to Learn_____
  4. Feel troubled by the obvious damage (effect) to SSE’S ecosystems, and know that our human overload on the Ship’s Main Deck is the cause?   Yes_____  Willing to Learn_____
  5. Realize that “naturally” limiting our population, and perpetual, non-polluting energy sources are vital in helping SSE start her automatic repairs?   Yes_____  Willing to Learn_____
  6. Believe in the cause and effect principle, the SSE passwords, the proposed Alpha/Beta Correction Format, and in the SSE recycling promise?   Yes_____  Willing to Learn_____
  7. Know the definitions for the words spiritual, nurturing, persistence, and excessive consumption?   Yes_____  Willing to Learn_____
  8. Believe in early education, nurturing, learning a good trade, and in leaving everything that passes through your life, better than when it entered?   Yes_____  Willing to Learn_____
  9. Have the dedication and stamina to spend the time necessary to master this manual/handbook, and then take the necessary action as a free, knowing individual?   Yes_____  Willing to Learn_____

If you have more than seven “yes” or “willing to learn” answers, you have passed the test to be an officer of SSE. Five or more qualify you to become a SSE crew member. Now, you can identify yourself by wearing a green SSE button, use an SSE decal, and attach a green ribbon to you car, boat, motorcycle, moped, bike, roller blades, wheelchair, crutches or…cane. Dog and cat collars can be used too!

STOP! RIGHT NOW—this minute—stop reading and on a sheet of blank note paper write down what you individually are going to do to help magnificent, magical, Spaceship Earth start to make her automatic repairs to the damage we have done—and are doing—to her delicate systems. Then date and sign your list. Show it to a friend—as a self-commitment—and begin the first task you have chosen to do. Go ahead—just do it—now!

Yes, it is meant to be a fun way of joining like-minded, hard working, folks like yourself to start to save our precious environment…TODAY RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS, CREW MEMBERS AND PASSENGERS OF SPACESHIP EARTH (SSE):


1. Carefully re-read the qualifying test on the opposite page—point-by-point. Question it. Understand the points and agree with them, or perhaps change some of them, if you do not agree with the basic thought.
2. But then agree to get as much education as soon as you can. Continue acquiring education and trade skills throughout your entire life, knowing that you will use them every day and that no one can ever take them from you. Add to these the development of strong, non-imposing, spiritual beliefs, and persistence determination. Open a saving account—a proven road to personal freedom—and feed it every payday. 10% would be a good start. Remember needs vs. wants? Don’t give in to wants!
3. Learn, know and believe the cause & effect principle, the Alpha/Beta Correction Format (Chapter 5), in finding non-polluting perpetual energy sources, and in the SSE passwords: Where did it come from? Where will it go? —and, since SSE is self-contained—As in nature, I will forever recycle everything that passes through my life. Quietly remember them as you encounter events and things throughout your day.
4. Believe that we humans have created a “human overload” with its resulting demand of use and often waste of SSE’s natural resources, and know it is the real cause of the Ship’s p/c/d problems. Therefore have only 1 or 2 children, plant 12 trees each year, take a train, bus or trolley and drive only a small, fuel-efficient vehicle as soon as logically possible.


1. Organize and start a GRASSROOTS SSE UNIT with a friend. Its mission is to help SSE repair herself by correcting some damaged or trashed part of SSE within your neighborhood, town, city, state, country…or the world! Start recycling centers. Always respecting the rights of others. Why not join other SSE units to form a national organization?

2. Make sure you and all of the crew members of your SSE unit have reviewed—point-by-point—the qualifying test and believe generally in its points, and are recycling in your and their personal lives. Help run the recycling centers and green stores (for the exclusive sale of recycled products), both locally and statewide. Know that your purchase and use of products made with recycled matter is a critical and very necessary link in this chain of events, even though these products may cost more to purchase. The increase in prices will more honestly reflect the real SSE cost of the items.

3. Carefully plan regular mailings to your legislators—both state and national—perhaps using the sample post card in Chapter 9, being firm, but always respecting the rights of others. Try using bumper strips—samples of all kinds can be found in Chapter 7.

4. Meet at least once a week with your SSE unit to review the recycling section of this manual, discuss progress on current correction projects, discuss planned future projects, discuss non- offensive methods of recruiting additional crew members, promote current crew members to officers, discuss the creation of new additional SSE units, and potential legislative meetings and…always wear your SSE pin (Chapter 7).

5. Sincerely hug, and do at least one good thing for crew members in your SSE unit…and in your family—at least once each day—include passengers, too. They’ll learn to like it! So will you! Genuinely compliment them on an observed true or particularly good trait, such as a kind or healthful habit or their pleasant appearance. Show you mean it with a real smile. Don’t
expect to be thanked or repaid in kind.

Yes, # 5 above can be called nurturing—when you give it-–you usually get it. Sometimes you get it in giving it!



  1. Same As Officer
  2. Same As Officer
  3. Same As Officer
  4. Same As Officer


  1. Every day perform portions of your chosen, personal or SSE unit correction format project. It will help SSE in her repairs of our severe damage to the Ship.
  2. Every week meet with your SSE unit to review and discuss this manual/handbook and specific personal and unit projects.
  3. Make sure you and your family are recycling and buying weekly needs in the “green store” you have helped to establish.
  4. Quietly discuss this manual and SSE’s needed repairs with your family and with at least three other friends or passengers every week. Do it pleasantly, without becoming a bore.
  5. Same as #5 of an officer. Don’t expect a “thank you,” although it would be nice.

AFRICAN ARMY ANT – The Workers Are Blind!


INDIVIDUAL: 1 to 4, Same As Officers


1. Help, whenever possible, all SSE officers and crew members in their chosen tasks of correcting local, state and national environmental problems.
2. Sincerely hug at least one officer, crew member, or fellow passenger each day. Dogs and cats don’t count!

There are three vitally important and daily-use HANDBOOKS that all folks aboard SSE should own which
verify the type and amount of damage we are inflicting on the Ship’s O&M Systems:
The Statistical Abstract of the United States (current annual issue) – Public Domain
The World Almanac and Book of Facts (current annual issue) – Copyrighted
Time Almanac with Information Please (current annual issue) – Copyrighted

  • Try to make the first things listed in Chapter 8, Changing Habits become your daily HABITS.
  • Create, use and distribute theBUMPER STICKERS, T-SHIRTS, & POSTERS suggested inChapter 7.
  • Help to create RECYCLING CENTERS locally, regionally, state wide, nationally…andinternationally.
  • Help create “GREEN STORES” which are to sell only organic and recycled products, and be willing to pay more for these more difficult to grow and less new resource demanding products.
  • Create informational MAIL CAMPAIGNS, using recycled paper, to legislators promoting A/B Correction Formats projects.
  • Make sure that you, your family and each member of your SSE Unit are in good SPIRITUAL condition whatever that may be for you or them personally. This creates a solid foundation for carrying out any SSE project in a reasonable manner, as well as allowing for a comparatively happy, pleasant and long life. Get the GRUMPS out of your life!
  • Survey through inquires all of the “great” cities of the world to determine how their trash and sewage is being processed and its quantity. I imagine the figures will be sickening.
  • USE YOUR “LITTLE GRAY CELLS,” to quote Agatha Christie’s unique character, Hercule
    Periot, to create imaginative material and projects not previously mentioned above.
  • AN EXAMPLE: Perhaps every SSE Officer, Crew Member and, hopefully, Passenger could DESIGNATE THE 5 th DAY OF EVERY MONTH AS A “HELP SAVE SSE DAY”… AND NOT BUY A SINGLE THING THAT DAY. No gasoline, clothing, fast foods, groceries, not even a ballpoint pen, or a candy bar. This would bring the discussed subjects to the attention of everyone. It should also bring the matter to the attention of the retailer and right up to the power and wealth folks at the top, including our governmental representatives…our employees. It should put them on notice that we expect some action on the manual/handbook’s subjects today…not tomorrow…TODAY!

If you don’t care for any of the above suggestions, think of just one thing environmentally that upsets you and—being respectful of others rights—decide upon what you can do to correct the situation…either individually or with friends.



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