Saving Home Energy

SAVING HOME ENERGY—RECYCLING—COMPOSTING—FOREVER MAINTENANCE SAVING HOME ENERGY WITH TEAROUT…TACK UP…WORKSHEETS PLUS AN ACTION POSTCARD Either directly or indirectly, all the things we use and that pass through our lives day-by-day affect important parts of some SSE Operating and Maintenance (O&M) Systems. Since nothing leaves the ship, everything we human SSE space travelers create and use Read more about Saving Home Energy[…]

Spaceship Earth

Can you unshackle your imagination and let it run free…like a child of six or seven? Free enough to   s-t-r-e-t-c-h and e-x-p-a-n-d your mind into a new reality? If you can, you will realize that we actually are on a—magnificently—marvelously—magically—and many say mystically—designed spaceship!  It’s called…SPACESHIP EARTH (SSE).  Will your ego allow you to believe Read more about Spaceship Earth[…]

American Indian Dream-Catcher

AMERICAN INDIAN DREAM-CATCHER ROUGHLY:   BAD DREAMS are caught in the web and sunlight destroys them. GOOD DREAMS are not caught in the web and slip back into the night for tomorrow’s enchanting dreams. It is fitting that we begin this environmental manual/handbook with a famous speech by Chief Seattle prior to the sale by Native Americans of Read more about American Indian Dream-Catcher[…]